No one is fully formed without any influence from the world – the things and people we love or otherwise. I for one am forever grateful for the love and support from my family and close friends and the ability and opportunity to pursue my passion. This new journey has been inspired by many mentors; directly and some through their work. Regardless, their influence has had a positive impact on my decisions, as my ideas and actions were built on the lessons I have learnt from them. And for that, I would like to say THANK YOU….
…for awesome books that taught me about personal power.
- Acts of Faith – Living a life of faith
- Return to love – As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – This book should be on everyone’s reading list. The principles are at the foundation of my values, beliefs and goals. Thanks to a former employer, I was fortunate to do many of the FranklynCovey programs which are absolutely brilliant.
- The 4 Hour Work Week – Major mindset shift on living life on your own terms
…to these wonderwomen who’ve mentored me as I worked with them
- Njeri Rionge – Untiring Entrepreneur
- Joyce Mbaya – Imagine, Believe, Become
- Lucie Kamiti – Determined diva and business bestie
- Nicole Walters – Monetize your life
- My sister Aida – A brilliant influence on who I am. The coolest, caring, and smartest person I know who has taught me the most about what family and love is.
…for inspiring and successful passion projects
- Rotaract & Rotary – Making a difference by serving your community
- Toastmasters International – Where leaders are made
To my family, friends & fans (a girl can dream) – We are part of all that we have met. – Alfred Lord Tennyson
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