Business basics for service-based solopreneurs

Business basics for service-based solopreneurs

BYOB - Build Your Own Brand/Business, Content Marketing, Mindset, Personal Branding, Top posts
Building a business online is hard work . I figure I’d get that out of the way before I get into the more palatable part of this post. It would be presumptuous to think that the road to success is easy and streamlined. Unfortunately, great ideas and the passion to execute them are not enough to ensure victory. So here are some steps I’m taking to keep me on track for a much higher chance of success. Clarity is King According to Fortune Magazine, the single biggest reason most businesses fail is because they created products nobody wanted. To be successful, the key is to identify a problem and then find a way to solve it. A market that’s looking for a solution, and not finding any results, will be…
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Swimming in a c of success

Swimming in a c of success

While success looks different to everyone, it starts with your mindset. That means making room for your miracles because sometimes the biggest of goals require only the simplest of steps. This is how I do it (sing it like Montell Jordan): 1. Clarity – Decide what you want and why it’s important. 2. Confidence – Belief determines behavior so calibrate the right mindset for success. 3. Commitment – To a process with proper planning and daily action. 4. Capability – Leverage the power of habit to build momentum. 5. Consistency – Repetition is the mother of all learning and eventual mastery. 6. Communication – Talk to people, tell your story and ask for help. 7. Credibility – We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but…
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If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. —Sir Isaac Newton. #THANKYOU

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. —Sir Isaac Newton. #THANKYOU

No one is fully formed without any influence from the world – the things and people we love or otherwise. I for one am forever grateful for the love and support from my family and close friends and the ability and opportunity to pursue my passion. This new journey has been inspired by many mentors; directly and some through their work. Regardless, their influence has had a positive impact on my decisions, as my ideas and actions were built on the lessons I have learnt from them. And for that, I would like to say THANK YOU…. ...for awesome books that taught me about personal power. Acts of Faith - Living a life of faithReturn to love - As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates…
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